Do you use shoe polish on your teeth? So why toothpaste on your Costly Shoes? Your shoes will love it 😂 But It will make them look like new Shoes. Guaranteed 💯
Stop using Toothpaste on Your shoes they are not Your teeth 😒
Replace Toothpaste with these Wipes!
It will make shoes that you have never worn before 😂 Just kidding Don't wash your shoes it will damage their shine But these Wipes Won't 😎
If I were your shoes this would be my favourite cleaner ever 😁😍
Get back that White color that was that day when you bought them 😍Here is the Before and after of using our Wipes 😍
So you still Clean your Shoes with Toothpaste?😩 To say No!Shop Now
1x pack of 80 pcs wipes
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